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Michael Ransby :: 03.10.2012 13:27:32 lvl. 2 (Lens-Adept) |
Michael Ransby :: 03.10.2012 13:32:44 lvl. 2 (Lens-Adept) |
I have this lens branded as a Kennex 400mm f/6.3, bought for 50 swedish kroners whichs about 10 $ US.
The lens itself is as a new, has probably never been used.
Now fitted with a T2 adapter for Sony Alpha and works beautifully.
Anyone know if it is in fact a Tokina lens which I have read in several forums?
Anyone know of other brands of this lens; I have seen this lens branded as Spiratone; Kennex (my own); Hanimex and Prinzgalaxy
mysterion :: 09.10.2012 17:09:30 Konstantin Russia, St. Petersburg lvl. 3 (Lens-Competent) |
Ответ для Michael Ransby (03.10.2012 13:32:44):
I think it's pretty common case, when some Spiratono, Rokunar or something like that lenses made by Tokina and selled to this "third-wave-company"
Nick WOLFF :: 05.06.2023 12:40:28 lvl. 1 (Lens-Learner) |
Ответ для Michael Ransby (03.10.2012 13:27:32)T
Today I received in the post a Tamron Popular Tele Lens 6.3/32, 400 mm. It looks very much like the Spiratone 6.3, 400mm lens; same aperture range, filter size, same extended length. Same appearance, except for a slighlty diffeent patterned grip. Identical except for the weight (722 g) of the Spiratone which is reported as 770g on this post. It has no mention in the various Tamron Vintage lens sites. I don't believe it is a true Tamron because if it was it would be in the Tamron lists. There is or was a Tamron Popular f/8, 500mm lens advertised on ebay as of 31 May 2023.; so it appears there was a family of Tamron Popular lenses. Has anyone read of, or seen, or owned one of these Tamron Popular 6.3/32, 400mm lenses?
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