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Hoverfly 1:1 macro :: Lens Elicar V-HQ Macro 90 mm f/ 2.5 - test photo taken via a Canon 7D

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Author: Gary Sutherland
Lens: Elicar V-HQ Macro 90 mm f/ 2.5
Camera: Canon 7D
Aperture: f/8.0
Focal length: 80mm
Rating usefulness: 5 (5)

09.08.2012 01:35:44
5579 3
Straight out of camera, no processing. Lens at full 1:1 magnification. f11 1/250 Yongnuo 565EX flash ETTL ISO400.
This lens is very sharp with smooth, pleasant bokeh.

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Radovan :: 24.01.2013 09:43:58
Croatia, Zagreb
Lvl. 4 (Lens-Pro)

Ответ для Gary Sutherland (24.01.2013 04:10:26):

Thanks for price info. :)

Gary Sutherland :: 24.01.2013 04:10:26
Gary Sutherland SonicScot
Scotland, Highlands
Lvl. 1 (Lens-Learner)

Hi, I paid £60 for this Elicar and it was money well spent.

Radovan :: 21.01.2013 09:44:14
Croatia, Zagreb
Lvl. 4 (Lens-Pro)


Interesting macro lens how much did you pay for it?

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