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Red Holly Berries :: Lens Canon FD 85 mm f/ 1.2 SSC Aspherical - test photo taken via a Canon EOS XS (1000D)

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Author: Michael McBroom
Lens: Canon FD 85 mm f/ 1.2 SSC Aspherical
Camera: Canon EOS XS (1000D)
Aperture: f/1.2
Focal length: 76mm
Rating usefulness: 3 (1)

17.02.2013 23:16:19
2584 0
Taken with my EOS DSLR, using an FD-EOS adapter with the glass removed. Gives you an instant macro lens. I like the smoothness of the out-of-focus portions of the image, and as that scar on the foreground berry demonstrates, the lens is providing excellent sharpness and detail

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