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Squirrel's Nest :: Lens Mamiya-Sekor E 135 mm f/ 3.5 - test photo taken via a Mamiya ZM Quartz

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Author: Paul Henegan
Lens: Mamiya-Sekor E 135 mm f/ 3.5
Camera: Mamiya ZM Quartz
Aperture: f/3.3
Focal length: 120mm

10.02.2014 04:14:49
2400 0
This was taken on an overcast day the first week of
January 2014. (Sorry, I didn't take better notes for
that roll.) The exposure was about 1/250 in AE
mode, the film, Kodak ColorPlus 200.

This photo illustrates the excellent sharpness and
lack of distortion throughout the field of view that is
a general characteristic of Mamiya E series lenses.

The color is very true-to-life — perhaps a bit bland
for some tastes.

Also typical of these lenses is the muted but
rampant magenta-green chromatic aberration in the
bokeh. I personally find this a welcome addition to
what would otherwise be a rather dull setting, yet I
appreciate that some folks think any CA what-so-
ever is an abomination. As they say, «chacun a son

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