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Lincoln statue on a US 1 Cent :: Lens Mitakon 20 mm f/ 2.0 4.5x Super Macro - test photo taken via a Nikon D750

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Author: Kevin Macy
Lens: Mitakon 20 mm f/ 2.0 4.5x Super Macro
Camera: Nikon D750
Aperture: f/8.0
Focal length: 20mm
Rating usefulness: 3 (1)

29.01.2017 02:22:15
2237 2
4X picture of the obverse side of a US
once cent coin.

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Kevin Macy :: 01.02.2017 07:50:09

Lvl. 3 (Lens-Competent)

Reply for dv (30.01.2017 02:13:53):

Just added three of about twenty different items I experimented with.  I am going to mount the camera on an old enlarger and use that has rough focus.  I am pretty sure that will work better.

dv :: 30.01.2017 02:13:53
Dolce Vita
Russia, Moscow
Lvl. 6 (Lens-Master)

Please, more photos of natural objects with a minimum camera ISO, completely closed diaphragm and a strong lighting (direct sunlight).

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