Additional information:
Tair-56 150 mm f/ 2.8 (Russian: "Таир")
Focal length: 150.1 mm
Angle of view: 16°
Resolution according to the technical specifications (center/edge): 45/21 lpmm
Coefficient of transparency: 0.75
Diameter: 77 mm
Retractable hood
The Tair-56 150 mm f/ 2.8 is a fast telephoto prime for 35 mm SLR cameras with the M42 screw mount. This is a coated 4-element anastigmat.
There was also a modification (Tair-56A) with an interchangeable mount. The lens with the analogous optical scheme designed for 35 mm motion picture cameras came under the name of OKS1-150-1 (Rus. ОКС1-150-1). The Tair-56 150 mm f/ 2.8 lens came in small lots and is very rare at present. Posted by: dobrun Date of publication: 08.07.2011