Additional information:
The Minolta MD Tele Rokkor-X 100 mm f/ 2.5 is a fast telephoto prime lens for 35 Minolta SR SLR cameras.
The lens body is metal. The aperture ring has half-stop markings (f/4 - f/16).
The Minolta Rokkor 100mm f/2.5 came in three optically different variants (there were 7 modifications):
PF - 6/5 optical scheme (see photo); minimum focusing distance - 1.2 m; weight 410/410/430 g; filter 55 mm. Versions: MC-I - June,1968, МС-II - 1969, МС-Х - March, 1973. (with black aperture ring)
without PF - 5/5 optical scheme (see photo); minimum focusing distance - 1.0 m; weight 375 g; filter 55 mm. Versions: MC-Х - May, 1976, МD-I - 1977, МD-II - October, 1977.
without Rokkor - 5/5 optical scheme; minimum focusing distance - 1.0 m; weight 310 g; filter 49 mm. Version МD-III - November, 1981.
Posted by: SharkDD Date of publication: 27.04.2012