Format: 35mm SLR
Type: Prime lens
Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)
Lens mounts: Minolta SR (MD, MC)
First year of production: 1967
Optical design: 5 elements in 5 groups
| User reviews (0) Photos (2) Tests (0) Owners (1) Views (9405) Average price: $75 |
Focal length | Max. aperture | Min. aperture | Blades | Min. Focus (m.) | Filter Ø (mm.) | Weight (gr/oz) | Length (mm/in) |
200mm | f/4.5 | f/22 | 6 | 2.5 | 52 | 500/17,6 | 138/5,4 |
Additional information:
Minolta MC Tele Rokkor-PE 200mm f/4 - prime telephoto lens for a 35mm SLR cameras with Minolta SR (MC/MD) mount.
Posted by: nukemall Date of publication: 01.06.2012