Additional information:
The Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 85 mm f/ 1.8is a fast portrait prime lens for 35 mm M42 screw mount SLR cameras.
The lens bears resemblance to its predecessors (Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 85/1.9, Super-Takumar 85/1.9and Auto-Takumar 85/1.8). Out of this lens family it is the Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 85/1.8 that delivers better sharpness and contrast. As opposed to the f/1.9 twins, equipped with a 6-blade aperture, the SMC Takumar 85/1.8 features an 8-blade aperture.
This is an excellent portrait lens, and strange as it may seem, it has shown its worth as a telephoto lens for taking long shot photos.
Posted by: vagabond Date of publication: 13.10.2012
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