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Maginon-serie G 35-70 mm f/ 3.5-4.5 MC Lens

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Maginon-serie G 35-70 mm f/ 3.5-4.5 MC lens

Maginon-serie G 35-70 mm f/ 3.5-4.5 MC lens

Maginon-serie G 35-70 mm f/ 3.5-4.5 MC lens

Maginon-serie G 35-70 mm f/ 3.5-4.5 MC lens

Format: 35mm SLR

Type: Zoom lens

Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)

Lens mounts: Minolta SR (MD, MC)

User reviews (0)

Photos (1)

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Owners (1)

Views (11915)

Average price: $50


Focal lengthMax. apertureMin. apertureBladesMin. Focus (m.)Filter Ø (mm.)Weight (gr/oz)Length (mm/in)
35mm - 70mmf/3.5 - f/4.5f/2260.452324/11,487/3,4

Additional information:

The Maginon-serie G 35-70 mm f/ 3.5-4.5 MC is a standard zoom lens for 35mm SLR Minolta SR cameras.

This is a comparatively fast zoom lens in one of the most required ranges (35-70mm). The lens gets along perfectly well with cropped sensors, supplementing a kit lens with the range of 50-70 mm (many think it is more vital than 18-35 mm), but at more open apertures. As for its sharpness, horizontal and chromatic aberrations (at comparable apertures) it is inferior to modern kit lenses (not to mention the absence of autofocus and image stabilization), but can be a peculiar alternative under low light conditions and/or for highlighting depth of  field. Regarding its low price in the secondary market the lens can be used instead of a kit lens in some photographic situations. Regarding aperture "reserve" it is compatible with teleconverters (52 mm or via extension rings), thus expanding capabilities of this inexpensive casual lens.

In freezing temperatures (below -15 C) the zoom ring gets tight. I think it is not the problem of this very copy but the defect concerning all the lenses in this series. The other rings (focus and aperture) function well. Recommendation: Before using in freezing temperatures turn the lens into a prime, i.e. preset a focal length (when outside, it will fix in preset position).

Additional information:

  • The lens' weight (0.624 kg) is given on the basis of unofficial weighing.

Posted by: BogKY   Date of publication: 11.03.2013

Photos taken with this lens Maginon-serie G 35-70 mm f/ 3.5-4.5 MC:

Автопортрет [обычного зума]
Autor: Nick Horsfield
2 0 2192

Mechanical quality2.002
Optical quality2.002
Pricing / Value4.002
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