Additional information:
diagonal angle of view 32°11' - 8°15'
horizontal angle of view 27° - 6°50'
minimal aperture 32-45
max. magnification 0.25
diameter 78.5
The Canon EF 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6 USM is a telephoto zoom lens for 35 mm SLR Canon EF cameras. The lens was announced in March 1998. This lightweight and inexpensive tele zoom lens was first designed for EOS IX 240 cameras, but it is compatible with EOS EF cameras. The lens was also supplied in a double lens kit for low-end SLR cameras.
The lens is equipped with an AF micro-motor. It has no focus ring. Zooming is performed by three groups. The lens barrel extends while zooming. Focusing is performed be the front group of elements. The bayonet mount is plastic.
In 2003 the second model of the lens was introduced. It featured the same optical scheme, optimized for digital photography, but with a faster autofocus. Links to online resources: Posted by: dv Date of publication: 18.05.2013