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Soligor 105 mm f/ 2.8 (T-mount, s/n KA22xxx) Lens

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Soligor 105 mm f/ 2.8 (T-mount, s/n KA22xxx) lens

Soligor 105 mm f/ 2.8 (T-mount, s/n KA22xxx) lens

Soligor 105 mm f/ 2.8 (T-mount, s/n KA22xxx) lens

Soligor 105 mm f/ 2.8 (T-mount, s/n KA22xxx) lens

Soligor 105 mm f/ 2.8 (T-mount, s/n KA22xxx) lens

Format: 35mm SLR

Type: Prime lens

Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)

Lens mounts: T2 mount, T2 mount

Optical design: 4 elements in 3 groups, Sonnar

User reviews (1)

Photos (4)

Tests (0)

Owners (0)

Views (7150)

Average price: $80


Focal lengthMax. apertureMin. apertureBladesMin. Focus (m.)Filter Ø (mm.)Weight (gr/oz)Length (mm/in)

Additional information:


The Soligor 105mm f/2.8  is a fast telephoto lens, equipped with the interchangeable T-Mount bayonet, designed for 35 SLR cameras. The lens was manufactured to the order of Allied Impex (Soligor trademark owner), a Japan company known under their own trade mark as Kawanon (in one of the photos you can see the lens with this designation), as evidenced by the letters KA in a serial number.

There was also a lens with similar optical characteristics marketed under the trademark of Soligor, but designed and manufactured by Tokina (serial number starting with H4), see


Posted by: nukemall   Date of publication: 25.06.2013

Photos taken with this lens Soligor 105 mm f/ 2.8 (T-mount, s/n KA22xxx):

Autor: nukemall
4.45 1 2243

Autor: nukemall
4.12 0 1899

Autor: nukemall
4.1 0 2084

Autor: nukemall
4.01 1 1947

Mechanical quality3.333
Optical quality4.003
Pricing / Value5.003
Overall lens rating

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