Additional information:
Tair-3S 300 mm f/ 4.5 (Russian: "Таир-3С")
Focal length: 300 mm (299.89 mm)
Angle of view: 8°
Frame size: 24x36 mm
Front focal length: 371.67 mm
Back focal length: 142.34 mm
Distance from the front to the rear optical surface: 145.4 mm
Working distance: 45.2 mm 45.5 mm
Resolution: (0/10 mm/20 mm): 45/43/38 lpmm
Resolution according to the technical specifications (center/edge): 36/30/38 lpmm
Coefficient of transparency: 0.80
Geometric vignetting: 40%
Obvious pros of the Tair-3S 300 mm f/ 4.5
Butt - a convenient thing for mobility, you can go here and there without bothering with a tripod.
Very decent sharpness from f/8 onwards.
Cons of the Tair-3S 300 mm f/ 4.5
No image stabilizer, so recover your breath and while slowly breathing out, press the shutter button with exposure and ISO set at min. 500 and 800, respectively (as shooting is possible from f/8 onwards, and with a 2x converter )
Considerable CAs, especially, when shooting against the sun. It may be explained by the fact that iris aperture blades are not blackened (though I may be unlucky to have bought a defective lens).
The aperture is shut by the trigger. But the shutter button is in the camera, as a result, shooting rate is not high.
Indeed, this is a very big and heavy 'bazooka' lens. Its external appearance should prevent you from using the butt in the city because of a possible reaction of authorities. Posted by: burburino Date of publication: 12.12.2010