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Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/ 1.7 Lens

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Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/ 1.7 lens

Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/ 1.7 lens

Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/ 1.7 lens

Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/ 1.7 lens

Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/ 1.7 lens

Optical design

Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/ 1.7 optical design

Format: 35mm SLR

Type: Prime lens

Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)

Lens mounts: Konica AR

First year of production: 1967

Optical design: 6 elements in 5 groups

User reviews (2)

Photos (4)

Tests (0)

Owners (32)

Views (44910)

Average price: $49


Focal lengthMax. apertureMin. apertureBladesMin. Focus (m.)Filter Ø (mm.)Weight (gr/oz)Length (mm/in)

Additional information:

The Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/1.7 is a normal fast lens for SLR cameras with the Konica AR bayonet mount.

It came in two variants of the lens with the same optical scheme.

The characteristics of the second version (after 1976 ) are given as follows.

The first (until 1976)  was remarkable for its minimum focusing distance (0.45m), smaller size (209 g) and a bit longer length (45 mm).

It was produced as a low-end kit lens for Konica cameras (many cameras were equipped with it) and was a substitute of Konica the Hexanon 52 mm f/1.8.

It was the first Konica lens that came in a new design with a checked rubber-coated focusing ring(the previous version has a metal focusing ring).

This lens was a great success of Konica. The lens was much sharper than the previous version, and many competent photo magazines considered  it to be the sharpest lens ever. Even now it maintains its reputation.

However, it is not only sharpness that became a trademark of this lens. Good contrast, natural color  rendering and insignificant drop in resolution on the edges made it famous as a high-class lens.

Besides, the lens produces rather beautiful background and foreground blurring (Bokeh).

Later on this lens was replaced in production with the Hexanon AR 50 mm f/ 1.8 which could not reach the same quality level, according to the experts, but was cheaper in production.

Now the Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/1.7 is rather frequent on the secondary market. You can buy for an attractive price one of a legendary high-quality lenses of the past.

Due  to a small flange focal distance, it is hard to use on modern SLR cameras(modification of bayonet mount required), but it can be easily used on mirrorless cameras.

Links to online resources:
Posted by: photocorner   Date of publication: 31.01.2011

Photos taken with this lens Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/ 1.7:

In forest
Autor: Leszek
3.8 1 5621

Hexanon rose f/1.7 with 3x teleconverter
Autor: Ferenc Boloni
3.67 0 3918

Autor: Sean Teng
2.67 0 4772

Parque de diversione.
Autor: Norberto Berrios
1.5 0 4491

Mechanical quality4.9010
Optical quality5.0010
Pricing / Value4.9010
Overall lens rating

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Owner reviews: Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm f/ 1.7

Ferenc Boloni 10.02.2018 08:56:14
Period of use: 1 year


On Sony full frame or apsc one of sharpest manual  lens at f/1.7 ever use . This lens are amazing . And the bokeh  is one of the best i ever seen . And for the price of 12 $ this lens the same will be one of the lens what i will never sale .


No weakness


With 2x or 3x teleconverter the same crazy sharp  .

Sometimes for get better results details sharpnes i found even on full frame or apsc the 24 megapixel reduced at half brings the magic . And the same sometimes what camera sensors are detect is sharp not always is right if you will magnify the image will be visible you have to adjust the real sharpnes a little bit :)

ProfHankD 06.01.2016 06:35:59
Period of use: 12 months


Really appealing rendering on FF Sony A7.  A solid "A" in FF IQ. Build is very good.


Good, but not the best at anything. Soft on 24MP APS-C. It's hard to say why, but the lens seems somehow more awkward than you'd expect for an f/1.7... perhaps because it has fairly good close focus?


Nothing to complain about on FF, especially given that I paid $8 for mine. For APS-C there are better choices.