Do you like a good instrumental music?
Listen to new beautiful music from composer Sergei Borodin. Click HERE...
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Knife Edge at 4.5 X Nikon D810 Mitakon 20mm Autor: Kevin Macy 3 0 2735 | Lincoln statue on a US 1 Cent Autor: Kevin Macy 3 2 2232 | Onion Skin with Mitakon 20mm at 4.5X Autor: Kevin Macy 1 0 2183 | RJ45 Male Data Plug Autor: Kevin Macy 1 0 2692 |
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Incredible Close Up Macro - Sharp but short depth of field
Hard to light subject.
Short depth of field
Althought this is not the easiest lens to use, it is fascinating and fun. 4X to 4.5X macro with manual focus. Front element is small. Reminds you of a microscope lens.
Hard to use but it's fun!