Additional information:
The Carl Zeiss Tessar 2.8/50mm (Icarex 35) is a standard prime lens for 35mm SLRs with M42 and Icarex BM-Mount.
Its lens design based on the Voigtländer Color-Skopar 2.8/50mm from 1952.
Like all other Zeiss labeled lenses for the Zeiss Icon Icarex system, this on was also made by Voigtländer Braunschweig.
This Tessar has no filter thread, but a bayonet mount for filters (called B50).
Until 1968, the bayonet mount (BM) lenses were supplied with a light alloy aperture ring (pic. 5-7), then (1968-1972) black plastic ring with "ears" (pic. 1-4). The M42 lenses (TM) always came with a black plastic ring.
Only the M42 versions have an A/M-switch for its aperture. The aperture rings have no click stops.
Links to online resources: Posted by: Andreas Lindemann Date of publication: 04.04.2020