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MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye Lens

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MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye lens

MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye lens

MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye lens

MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye lens

MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye lens


MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye MTF Chart

Optical design

MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye optical design

Format: 35mm SLR

Type: Prime lens

Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)

Lens mounts: Canon EF, EF-S, Canon EF, EF-S, M42, M42, Nikon F (FX, DX), Nikon F (FX, DX), Pentax K, Pentax K

Optical design: 10 elements in 7 groups

Features: Fisheye lens
User reviews (6)

Photos (26)

Tests (0)

Owners (32)

Views (27301)

Average price: $163


Focal lengthMax. apertureMin. apertureBladesMin. Focus (m.)Filter Ø (mm.)Weight (gr/oz)Length (mm/in)

Additional information:

The MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye (Russian: "Зенитар") (the MC Zenitar 16mm f/2.8 export version ) is a short-focal-length superwide-angle compact lens for 24х36 frame SLR cameras.

It is based on the diagonal fisheye optical scheme, i. e.  this is a lens without distortion correction. The lens enables to have a 180° diagonal angle of view.  Thanks to that, the lens makes it possible to take original pictures and provides unique facilities for artistic photography.

On cameras with cropped sensor,  the Zenitar 16mm  loses the most part of its advantages, as the majority of distortion (on the edges of the frame), which makes the lens so charming, gets cropped.

The  Zenitar MC 16 mm  f/ 2.8 is equipped with an instant-return aperture and set of filters. Mount type: M42x1 thread with flange focal distance of 45.5 mm. In spite of its small compact dimensions and light weight the 10-lens optical scheme provides a high-quality image and color  rendering, high antiglare protection, and enables to render small details of the object.

There is a modification of the lens for all popular bayonet mounts (Canon, Nikon, Pentax, М42).

The Zenitar MC 16 mm  f/ 2.8 lens is one of the best representative of the fish-eye family of lenses in price-quality relationship.

The multilayer coating, applied to the lenses, increases light transmission and decreases light diffusion, which ensures good contrast and sharpness of the image, considerably removes halation, flare and light spots even when shooting against the light.

The optical scheme of the Zenitar MC 16 mm  f/ 2.8 is complex, that's why the overall light transmission is  approximately 79%, which is quite good for such a complex optical scheme. Besides, light transmission in the red part of the spectrum  is higher than in the blue part, and the lens renders images with tints of yellow.

The presence of tactile symbol facilitates  mounting of the lens on cameras.

The Zenitar 16 mm is compact due to the original form of the figured front part of its body. However, the image quality is rather high.

Resolution characteristics are excellent, moreover, at all apertures they exceed the values declared by the manufacturer. However, because of strong distortion at the very edge of the frame field resolution was defined approximately as 13 mm  from the frame center , and not 18-20 mm., as usual.

Blackening of inner surfaces and aperture blades cannot be compared with that of older models. Antiglare protection is simply superb! The work of mechanical parts and diaphragm, as well as the precision of calibration does not give rise to complaints. 

The Zenitar MC 16 mm  f/ 2.8 is extremely simple in use even in spite of the absence of autofocus. When focus is set to the hyperfocal distance, from f/ 5.6  onwards the DOF extends from 0.8 m to infinity, and no autofocus is necessary.

 M26,5х0,5 filters are mounted on the rear part. Front filters are impossible to mount.

The following filters are included in the lens set:

ZhZ-2 (ЖЗ-2) — yellow and green filter. It is used to improve tone transmission while shooting  landscapes and other scenes on black-and-white film in daylight and artificial lighting. While mounting this filter, it is necessary to set the aperture at the next lesser value or to increase shutter speed at one step.

Zh-1.4 (Ж-1,4) - lightyellow filter. It is used for contrast enhancement of the relief of distant mountains horizon an so on when shooting on black-and-white film. The filter enhances contrast of pale-blue sky  and small clouds. It is also recommended for outdoor portrait photography. While mounting this filter, it is necessary to change  the aperture settings at half  a scale point in the direction of smaller aperture values or to increase shutter speed at one step.

К-8 — red filter. It is used for infrared shooting on infrachromatic film of the Kinoinfra type. When shooting on black-and-white film, the filter is fit for day-for-night shooting as it renders the colors of sky and green plants in black. While mounting this filter, it is necessary to change  the aperture settings at 3 scale points in the direction of smaller aperture values or to increase shutter speed at 3 steps.

Cameras with automatic exposure do not require the change of aperture settings and shutter speed when shooting with filters.

Links to online resources:
PDF Files:
Posted by: Sergei Borodin   Date of publication: 09.08.2010

Photos taken with this lens MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye:

Autor: BluesMaker
5 0 3939

Autor: BluesMaker
5 0 4768

Autor: Sergei Borodin
5 0 3502

Autor: Sergei Borodin
5 0 3621

Mechanical quality4.2417
Optical quality4.2817
Pricing / Value4.4418
Overall lens rating

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Owner reviews: MC Zenitar 16 mm  f/ 2.8 Fish-Eye

Bakin 1.1.2000 00:00:01
Period of use: 12 months


Inexpensive but quality fisheye, which can be put on any modern camera


On the crop useless, the whole effect of the fisheye lens is lost

Inferior to the leading brand of optical characteristics of lenses (but much cheaper).


I recommend only with the film camera or a camera with a 35mm sensor.

Сергей Бородин 1.1.2000 00:00:01
Period of use: 2 years


A very good optically. No problem keeping backlight. The sun is not a problem, and often beautiful divided the rays. Gives a very nice color. Good paints the sky.

Mechanical constructive - everything is OK, too.

Size and weight is small


For me the main problem - the inability to use filters on the outer rim. Those that are on the inside can not be used with the Canon 5d and the Canon 5d mark 2. The mirror begins to touch the shank (in version m42).


Very good lens for its own purposes. If used wisely, the results are always pleasing. Very reasonable price.