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Steinheil München Cassar S 50 mm f/ 2.8 Lens

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Steinheil München Cassar S 50 mm f/ 2.8 lens

Steinheil München Cassar S 50 mm f/ 2.8 lens

Steinheil München Cassar S 50 mm f/ 2.8 lens

Steinheil München Cassar S 50 mm f/ 2.8 lens

Steinheil München Cassar S 50 mm f/ 2.8 lens

Format: 35mm SLR

Type: Prime lens

Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)

Lens mounts: M42, M42

Optical design: 3/3

User reviews (0)

Photos (0)

Tests (0)

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Views (15127)

Average price: $90


Focal lengthMax. apertureMin. apertureBladesMin. Focus (m.)Filter Ø (mm.)Weight (gr/oz)Length (mm/in)

Additional information:

The Steinheil München Cassar S 50 mm f/ 2.8 is a fast normal prime lens for 35 mm SLR cameras with the m42 screw mount.

It's later version in the photo, on the front part of the earlier version was double diaphragm scale. Almost the same name (earlier has "Nr."). Different sizes and diameter of the filter.

Posted by: photocorner   Date of publication: 22.02.2011

Mechanical quality5.001
Optical quality4.001
Pricing / Value4.001
Overall lens rating

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