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| Format: 35mm SLR
Type: Prime lens
Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)
Lens mounts: C/Y (contax/yashica), Canon FD, FDn, Konica AR, Nikon F (FX, DX), Olympus OM, Pentax K, Minolta SR (MD, MC)
| | Specifications:
Focal length | Max. aperture | Min. aperture | Blades | Min. Focus (m.) | Filter Ø (mm.) | Weight (gr/oz) | Length (mm/in) |
28mm | f/2.0 | f/16 | 6 | 0.3 | 55 | 284/10 | 46/1,8 |
| Additional information:
The Kiron MC 28 mm f/ 2 is a fast wide-angle multi-coated prime lens for 35 mm SRL cameras popular in the 70-80's.
It was manufactured by the Japan optical company Kino Precision.
The aperture ring has half-stop markings (from f/2 to f/11)
The lens body is made of metal.
Posted by: SharkDD Date of publication: 09.03.2011
Photos taken with this lens Kiron MC 28 mm f/ 2:
Owner reviews: Kiron MC 28 mm f/ 2
Period of use: 1 yearStrengths:
Close up shots sharp f/2.0 nice bokeh , quite underrated this lens but is not so bad as the ratings shows . If you are looking a lens for close shots with crazy bokeh or background blur can be one choice .
Quite expensive
Depends for what you wanna use this lens fow video is ok and close up shots or macro with crazy bokeh or bacground blur .
Period of use: 4 yearsStrengths:
Sharpness, good rending colors
Very good
I have pentax K/A copy. With auto aperture. I love this lens!