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Yashica Yashinon-DX 50 mm f/ 1.4 Lens

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Yashica Yashinon-DX 50 mm f/ 1.4 lens

Yashica Yashinon-DX 50 mm f/ 1.4 lens

Yashica Yashinon-DX 50 mm f/ 1.4 lens

Yashica Yashinon-DX 50 mm f/ 1.4 lens

Optical design

Yashica Yashinon-DX 50 mm f/ 1.4 optical design

Format: 35mm SLR

Type: Prime lens

Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)

Lens mounts: M42

Optical design: 7 elements in 6 groups

User reviews (2)

Photos (0)

Tests (0)

Owners (7)

Views (23046)

Average price: $150


Focal lengthMax. apertureMin. apertureBladesMin. Focus (m.)Filter Ø (mm.)Weight (gr/oz)Length (mm/in)

Additional information:

The Yashica Yashinon-DX 50 mm f/ 1.4   is a normal fast prime lens for  cameras with the M42 screw mount

Posted by: SharkDD   Date of publication: 13.03.2011

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Mechanical quality4.836
Optical quality4.676
Pricing / Value4.506
Overall lens rating

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Owner reviews: Yashica Yashinon-DX 50 mm f/ 1.4

Kostas 25.10.2018 14:00:06
Period of use: 1 year


From outside it is built to last. Good sharpness from f2.8, great sharpness at f5.6  Pleasant focus ring. Very pleasant to use - Altough it is not light, but the weight feels very comfortable in hand. One of the best cheap lenses in terms of comfortability. Looks and feels quite modern on digital cameras.


From inside: the built quality is not amazing - there are quite a few places inside the lens construction that start to rattle. Own two of these lenses, both are a bit too soft at f1.4 with average amount of CA. The glasses are very prone to fungus and coatings are soft, so, it is hard to clean - would not advise to buy one, which is not clean. 0.6m minimal focus distance is not very good. 


I would not recommend this lens for anyone who wants to have that one 50-ish prime lens, but I would advise it to someone who loves to take pictures more than likes to look at them afterwards. Plus: not compatible with Full frame EOS bodies, while using and adapter (the rear element will hit the mirror)

Leo Koikov 07.11.2016 07:51:04
Period of use: 1 month


Built like a tank

Excellent mechanics and optics

Front element does not extend much

Pleasing bokeh


A bit heavy-ish

Rear element extends inside a bit. Not a real problem, just smth to keep in mind

A touch of CA at 1.4


Grab one, if you find it at decent price