All About Photographic Lenses.
Specifications, comparison, reviews, MTF-charts for lenses by Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax, Olympus, Sigma, Tamron, Carl Zeiss, etc.

Lens Brands Data. PDF-files (10)

In this section you can view and add various PDF files about lens brands (e.g. the Canon EF Lens catalog). If a document within the description of the different brands or lenses, then add those files to the "other" category. If the catalog features a variety of different brands, add the file under Other Brand.

Lens-specific Data :: Lens Brands Data

Lens Brands:
Arsat (2)
Asahi Takumar (3)
Bausch & Lomb (5)
Canon (38)
Carl Zeiss (21)
Carl Zeiss Jena (17)
Exakta (5)
Fuji (9)
Hanimex (1)
Hasselblad (6)
Konica (2)
Leica (4)
Mamiya (7)
Meyer-Optik Görlitz (9)
Minolta (16)
Nikon (10)
Olympus (4)
Other brand (29)
Panagor (2)
Pentacon (7)
Pentax (17)
Rodenstock (10)
Ross (1)
Samsung (1)
Samyang (1)
Schneider Kreuznach (11)
Sigma (6)
Soligor (1)
Sony (5)
Tamron (13)
Tokina (5)
Vivitar (2)
Yashica (2)
DescriptionPosted byViews
::Nikkor lenses (Catalog, january 2012)
Category: Nikon | File size: 7,47 Mb
::Nikon FM3a user manual. Part 2
Category: Nikon | File size: 2,64 Mb
::Nikon FM3a user manual. Part 1
Category: Nikon | File size: 2,76 Mb
::Boris Bakst, Igor Bajan. Autofocus lenses Nikkor - 2004 (p.70-140)
Category: Nikon | File size: 22,30 Mb
::Boris Bakst, Igor Bajan. Autofocus lenses Nikkor - 2004 (p.1-69)
Category: Nikon | File size: 22,45 Mb
::Boris Bakst, Igor Bajan. Manual lenses Nikkor - 2004
Category: Nikon | File size: 3,21 Mb
::Specification of MF lenses Nikkor AI-s
Category: Nikon | File size: 0,08 Mb
::AF Nikkor Lenses Specifications (table at 07.2003)
Category: Nikon | File size: 0,06 Mb
::Nikkor Lenses (Catalog 2010)
Category: Nikon | File size: 6,76 Mb
::Nikkor Lenses (Catalog 2006)
Category: Nikon | File size: 1,62 Mb

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