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| Format: 35mm SLR
Type: Prime lens
Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)
Lens mounts: Large format
| | Specifications:
Focal length | Max. aperture | Min. aperture | Blades | Min. Focus (m.) | Filter Ø (mm.) | Weight (gr/oz) | Length (mm/in) |
100mm | f/2.5 | f/16 | 12 | | | 1000/35,3 | |
| Additional information:
The Uran-27 100 mm f/ 2.5 (Russian: "Уран") is a telephoto prime lens for 8x8 cm cameras designed for aerophotography.
PDF Files: Posted by: Dima Belan Date of publication: 25.11.2011
Photos taken with this lens Uran-27 100 mm f/ 2.5:
Owner reviews: Uran-27 100 mm f/ 2.5
Period of use: 3 yearsStrengths:
On a full frame 35mm camera, this lens is sharp all the way out to the edges.
The lens as a slightly different color shift to it. Sort of a blue look.
The images, even with the color shift, are stunning and I really like the look.
The bokeh is creamy and smooth. No real bubble or circle bokeh.
It is heavy. Especially when you add in the helicoid with it.
It is easily affected by side flares. I use a really long hood to help.
It is one of my most unique lenses. It really shines in a foggy photography environment.