Additional information:
The Canon EF 100 mm f/ 2.8 Macro is a fast telephoto macro lens for 35 mm Canon EF SRL cameras.
It is the first Canon macro EF lens without USM which had been discontinued after a 100 mm USM lens was released.
Macro scale: 1:1.
At maximum magnification the barrel greatly extends (as is seen in one of the photos). The front lens is deeply recessed, so there is no special need in a hood. You can separately purchase a tripod mount ring.
Two focusing modes: Full and Limit (see User's Manual). Unfortunately, there are no MTF data and optical scheme draft for this lens. There is a spare parts catalog - you can find something there.
The Canon EF 100 mm f/ 2.8 Macro is a rare Japanese model in our parts. I bought a used lens from the US for 9,000 roubles. I hesitated to buy it, as I hadn't found any information and especially users’ opinions on the lens. But I came into one good man at the macroclub forum who encouraged me to buy it.
Reliable, metal and heavy - it instilled itself at once. It served me two years with good faith and fidelity both as a macro and as a portrait lens on my 400D.
The Canon EF 100 mm f/ 2.8 Macro is very sharp when wide open. It steadily focuses, though not fast, but it's a technical matter - you should limit the focus range at the right time. I managed to adapt myself.
I sold it only after I bought a USM L-series lens. If someone comes across this lens at a reasonable price, I think you may buy it, you won't be disappointed, surely, unless you have bought a faulty lens, which is likely, regarding its age.
Links to online resources: PDF Files: Posted by: Kuzma Date of publication: 03.02.2012