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Taika Tele Coligon 180 mm f/ 3.5 K Lens

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Taika Tele Coligon 180 mm f/ 3.5 K lens

Taika Tele Coligon 180 mm f/ 3.5 K lens

Taika Tele Coligon 180 mm f/ 3.5 K lens

Format: 35mm SLR

Type: Prime lens

Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)

Lens mounts: Exakta

User reviews (1)

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Views (3982)

Average price:


Focal lengthMax. apertureMin. apertureBladesMin. Focus (m.)Filter Ø (mm.)Weight (gr/oz)Length (mm/in)
180mmf/3.5f/22122.13462 125/4,9

Additional information:

The Taika Tele Coligon 180mm f/3.5 K  is a telephoto prime lens for 35 mm Exakta cameras produced by  Taika, Tamron's predecessor. It is equipped with an aperture preset ring.

Posted by: lynx   Date of publication: 09.09.2012

Mechanical quality4.002
Optical quality4.002
Pricing / Value4.002
Overall lens rating

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Owner reviews: Taika Tele Coligon 180 mm f/ 3.5 K

Leo Koikov 08.04.2018 05:26:32
Period of use: 14 days


Surprisingly light for what it is, made of thin non-magnetic metal (Al alloy?) 

Not nose heavy, very well balanced

Very smooth almost silky precise operation (aperture blades, both aperture rings, focusing). Not sure why it got *** for mechanical quality

12 blades!

Pretty bright for this focal length

Goes to F22 (not that I need it..)

Great metal hood 70mm diam, 57mm hight


Awkward focal length (270mm) on APS-C sensor


Got mine in M42 mount

I doubt it is multicoated but the coating is very decent