Additional information:
The Nikon AF Nikkor 35-70 mm f/ 2.8 D is a legendary fast zoom lens for Nikon FX, DX digital cameras, as well as for 35 mm film cameras, manufactured before 1992.
You can frequently come across this lens on the secondary market. It is a good variant concerning a price-quality relationship.
The equivalent focal length on DX sensors is 52 -105 mm.
The Nikon AF NIKKOR 35-70mm f/2.8 D uses the draw tube system of changing a focal length (push-pull system), i.e. you change a focal length by pushing or pulling a part of the lens, without rotating a ring. It is not a drawback - after some practice, the speed and efficiency of changing focal lengths may increase.
The problem is that this mechanism was realized "inside out", which is very inconvenient and requires additional practice. In other words, a focal length decreases on extending the tube, whereas in other push-pull lenses it increases.
The Nikon AF NIKKOR 35-70 mm f/ 2.8 D pros:
Beautiful, rather sharp and at the same time flexible image with harmonious bokeh.
High contrast and resolution.
The f/2.8 aperture is fully functional and enables shooting with a shallow depth of field and in low-level-light conditions.
Solid metal form factor.
Very good optical quality. Despite the absence of ED and aspherical elements, chromatic aberrations are almost negligible.
Well resistant to back and side light.
Rather fast and steady focusing.
The Nikon AF NIKKOR 35-70 mm f/ 2.8 D cons:
On DX sensors it has a rather inconvenient range of focal lengths for an all-around kit lens. It often lacks for a full-fledged wide angle, as well.
The front element rotates on focusing, which makes it difficult to use polarizing and gradient filters, and some other attachments.
At 35 mm there is a visible fall of resolution at the borders of the frame.
Many photographers may consider a picture to be too soft at wide open aperture.
The Nikon AF NIKKOR 35-70mm f/2.8 D is suitable as a casual kit lens for 35 mm cameras. It is fit for candid, genre and wedding photography. It is almost perfect for portraiture.
It is recommended to use it with the HB-1 hood.
Links to online resources: PDF Files: Posted by: Sergei Borodin Date of publication: 16.11.2010