Format: 35mm SLR
Type: Prime lens
Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)
Lens mounts: Canon FD, FDn, Canon FD, FDn, Nikon F (FX, DX), Nikon F (FX, DX), Pentax K, Pentax K, Minolta SR (MD, MC), Minolta SR (MD, MC)
Features: Fisheye lens | User reviews (0) Photos (0) Tests (0) Owners (2) Views (13690) Average price: $283 |
Additional information:
The Sigma Fisheye 16 mm f/ 2.8 Filtermatic is a wide-angle lens with multi-coating, based on the diagonal FishEye scheme(diagonal angle of view - 180°).
By means of the interchangeable YS or T2 rear parts are mounted on any SLR camera. There are built-in filters for black and white photography (L-1A (UV), 80A (blue), O-56 (orange), V-48), which are switched with a wheel.
Links to online resources: Posted by: photocorner Date of publication: 22.02.2011