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Jupiter-12 35 mm f/ 2.8 Lens

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Jupiter-12 35 mm f/ 2.8 lens

Jupiter-12 35 mm f/ 2.8 lens

Jupiter-12 35 mm f/ 2.8 lens

Jupiter-12 35 mm f/ 2.8 lens

Jupiter-12 35 mm f/ 2.8 lens

Optical design

Jupiter-12 35 mm f/ 2.8 optical design

Format: 35mm rangefinder

Type: Prime lens

Focusing: Manual Focus (MF)

Lens mounts: Contax I-III (CRM), Contax I-III (CRM), M39 Leica screw-mount (LSM), M39 Leica screw-mount (LSM)

First year of production: 1947

Optical design: 6 elements in 4 groups

User reviews (3)

Photos (18)

Tests (0)

Owners (27)

Views (39560)

Average price: $84


Focal lengthMax. apertureMin. apertureBladesMin. Focus (m.)Filter Ø (mm.)Weight (gr/oz)Length (mm/in)

Additional information:

The Jupiter-12 35 mm f/ 2.8 (Russian: "Юпитер") is a wide-angle lens with an iris aperture and a single-layer coating for rangefinder Zorkiy type cameras with the m39 Leica screw-mount (LSM). It was also produced in a bayonet variant for Kiev rangefinder cameras, the Contax I-III system (CRM).

Its optic scheme was borrowed from the Carl Zeiss Biogon 2.8/35. Initially, it was named BK-35 (Biogon of Krasnogorsk). Besides the  Krasnogorsk mechanical works (KMZ), the Jupiter-12 was produced at the Lyktarinsk Optic Glass Factory (LZOS).

The Jupiter-12 BK came into production at the KMZ in 1947. It was based on optic units delivered from Eastern Germany as war reparations. The lenses were designated with the old brand mark – the Dove prism without ray course - and were produced for three years. Since 1949 the second version of the lens came to be produced in visually more massive body, but without  the designation "BK". The logotype was also changed: the ray course was added to the prism (however, there were products contradicting the official version - for example, the lens numbered 5000003 with the following inscription: BK, 1:2.8, F =3.5 cm, P (red-colored), ZORKIY.  And that's all).

Since 1952 the Jupiter-12 was supplied with lenses produced in Krasnogorsk. Since 1956 it was produced with the FED and Zorkiy barrel. The retail price of such lenses was 28 rubles in 1985. For the lens the factory produced appropriate viewfinders fixed in slots for a rangefinder camera  accessories.

  • Angle of view: 63°
  • Resolution according to the technical specifications (centre/edge): 34/12 lines/mm
  • Coefficient of transparency: 0.75

PDF Files:
Posted by: Bruin   Date of publication: 23.02.2011

Photos taken with this lens Jupiter-12 35 mm f/ 2.8:

Autor: AdisX
4 0 915

Dunure Castle Coast
Autor: SharkDD
4 0 808

Autor: takkub21
3.67 0 1862

Autor: AdisX
3 0 782

Mechanical quality4.004
Optical quality3.504
Pricing / Value4.673
Overall lens rating

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Owner reviews: Jupiter-12 35 mm f/ 2.8

tabtiangboy 23.05.2020 02:17:29
Period of use: 2 months

Compact lens, sharpness is good when stop down.


Can use on some camera body.



takkub21 01.12.2018 09:29:07
Period of use: 3 months


- very good noir black and white tone

- low contrast

- cloud skin tone


- cloud every where you take pic like view at Silent Hills.

- can't use on every body lens

A7 - is ok you can use
Leica - No problem

M43 - forget it.Can't use.
FUjifilm X mount - forget it.Can't use.


my review

my clip