All About Photographic Lenses.
Specifications, comparison, reviews, MTF-charts for lenses by Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax, Olympus, Sigma, Tamron, Carl Zeiss, etc.

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Information from the creator of

Hello, Friends!

Sergei Borodin - The creator of and Lens-Club.ruMy name is Sergei Borodin.

I am 34 years old, and I live in Russia. I am a professional photographer and a big fan of both modern and older photographic lenses.

About two years ago I set myself the goal to create the largest and most wholesome online database of photographic lenses. As such, I decided that aside from technical data the site would also house everything else related to lenses: photos taken with lenses, owner reviews, articles, tests, comparisons, supporting files, etc. In addition, users can use the site to buy and sell lenses and other photographic equipment. And most importantly, all site content is added and verified by users.

All of this I first implemented on the Russian version of the site at

For two years the site accumulated a database of nearly 2,000 modern and older lenses (nowdays - more than 4000 lenses). So I decided that the time had come to create and develop an English version of the site in order to acquaint more people with useful content and to gather more information about lenses.

So came to be. At the present moment all content from is translated and moved here. All of the original site’s features are also available for use here, including adding lenses to the database, adding reviews, articles, news, pictures, etc.

I invite you all to join me in creating the best photo lens site in the world!

Sergei Borodin

P.S. My English is not yet perfect (though I'm now actively studying the language), so if you notice any mistakes or just typos in any of the content on this site, do let me know in this subforum.

Posted by: Sergei Borodin 23.05.2012 22:27:01

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Dave Oplinger :: 03.05.2017 22:29:36

Lvl. 1 (Lens-Learner)

Sergi - you have created a wonderful site, but the forum is OVERRUN with spam, from several members it seems.  Constant threads about baseball and other sprots, totally irrelevant to discussions hered.  Can you please do something about this?

Paulo Gandra :: 07.04.2015 23:27:00

Lvl. 1 (Lens-Learner)

Hi Sergei,

Thank you for your excelent work.

I have a collection of 35 Sony Service manual lenses that I would like to share with this community. More than the number available on this site.

How can I upload all the pdf files to ALLPHOTOLENSES at once?

Best Regards,


drharout :: 02.12.2014 23:44:51

Armenia, Yerevan
Lvl. 2 (Lens-Adept)

Excellent site and thanks for making it public. I just made a link on

Sergei Borodin :: 06.10.2014 10:18:40
Borodin Sergei
Russia, Tomsk
Lvl. 6 (Lens-Master)

Ответ для RichardIII (16.09.2014 02:52:23):

Many thanks for the your feedback, Richard Lee! I am very pleased that this project is brought the benefits and positive emotions for you!  ;)

> What we do is who we are!

RichardIII :: 16.09.2014 02:52:23
Richard Lee Fulgham Richard Lee Fulgham
United States, Bel Air
Lvl. 2 (Lens-Adept)

Dear Mister Borodin,

No one appreciates this lens site -- and your efforts in creating it -- more than I do.   The site is fascinating and has provided me with many hours of rapt absorbtion.  This is amplified by the fact that I love Russia as if I myself were Russian --thanks to my love of Russian literature, especially the works of Count Tolstoy and Fydor Dostoevsky.  I have read everything written by Dostoevsky and just finished "The Brothers Karamazov".  Again, thank you for your creation!  I remain your American friend and fellow lens lover, Richard Lee Fulgham.  PS:  Your English is very good.

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