Additional information:
The Vivitar Series 1 70-210 mm f/ 3.5 Macro (I) Kiron is a high-quality push-pull telephoto zoom lens of the Vivitar legendary Series 1 with a brand-name multi-coating.
There were two versions of this lens with insignificant differences. The first was produced by Kino Optics (Kiron), the second - by Tokina.
This review gives the photos and information of the first Kiron version. Serial numbers of these versions start with 22.
The Vivitar Series 1 70-210mm f/3.5 VMC Macro (I) produces a high-quality image - high contrast, magnificent colors, superb sharpness from wide open onwards. There is a slight drop in resolution on the edges of the frame.
Resolution (center/edge) at the focal length of 70 mm:
f/3.5 - 44/35 lpmm
f/8 - 62/44 lpmm
Resolution (center/edge) at the focal length of 210 mm:
f/3.5 - 39/25 lpmm
f/8 - 55/31 lpmm
added by Frederick Wasti :
This is incorrect. There was only ONE version of this particular VS1 70-210/3.5 lens (Version 1), although there were two versions with the specs of 70-210/3.5 (this one and the one shown at , which is Version 2. Most importantly, the differences between the two 70-210/3.5 versions are ~NOT~ "insignificant" (as a comparison of this page and both show).
Links to online resources: PDF Files: Posted by: photocorner Date of publication: 19.02.2011
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